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Lilit Twoseas - Page 2

During the attack, Lilit and the Jedi received word from the team sent to Yitheeth; that they hadn't found what they were looking for and would soon be joining Lilit and her team. As Lilit and the Jedi were pushed to the pinnacle of the city, the Yibikkoror team appeared in their cruiser in the sky, ready to rescue Lilit, K'Kruhk, Micah, and Plo. Using one of the city's huge balloons used to hold it aloft, the Jedi floated to safety and boarded the ship, ready to leave the threat behind.

Lilit and the Jedi received a message from the Jedi team sent to Yinchorr, and unfortunately, they too were under attack and were also without a ship. With two-thirds of the task force united, the eight members landed on Yinchorr in the middle of battle between the Yinchorri soldiers and the seriously outnumbered Jedi. Joining Jedi Masters Eeth Koth, Plo Koon, Micah Giiett, and her Padawan, K'Kruhk, Lilit joined them to go out into the midst of battle to rescue the third Jedi team. Jedi Masters Adi Gallia, Tsui Choi, and her Padawan, Theen Fida, stayed behind to guard the ship. Although Lilit and the Jedi were fighting against immense odds, they managed to fight their way through the waves of soldiers and meet the third team in the middle of the battlefield.

However, as Lilit had fallen into serious danger on the floating city on Yibikkoror, so had her Padawan during the battle on Yinchorr. Unfortunately, although K'Kruhk was able to save Lilit's life without harm to his own, Lilit sacrificed herself as she saved her Padawan from death. As Lilit pushed K'Kruhk out of the way, she gave her life as a Yinchorri soldier gorged her with his spear. However, Lilit did not give her life in vain, eventually the Jedi did defeat the Yinchorri forces and incurred a surrender from them. Lilit served the Jedi Knights well, defending peace throughout the galaxy and joined her comrades Theen Fida and Micah Giiett as casualties of the Yinchorri uprising.

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